An audiometry test is performed to determine how well you can hear. This may be done as part of a routine screening or in response to a noticeable loss of hearing.

The common causes of hearing loss include:

  • birth defects
  • chronic ear infections
  • inherited conditions, such as otosclerosis, which occurs when an abnormal growth of bone prevents structures within the ear from functioning properly
  • an injury to the ear
  • inner ear diseases, such as Ménière’s disease or an autoimmune disease that affect the inner ear
  • regular exposure to loud noises
  • a ruptured eardrum

Damage to the ear or exposure to loud sounds for a long period can cause hearing loss. Sounds louder than 85 dB, such as you hear at a rock concert, can cause hearing loss after only a few hours. It’s good to use hearing protection, such as foam earplugs, if you’re exposed to loud music or industrial noise on a regular basis.

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080 2574 4744



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